Monday, November 21, 2011

Nov 26th: Fur-Free Downtown Dash!

The Fur Free Downtown Dash is quickly approaching! It's a fun, activist-oriented scavenger hunt type of event hosted in downtown Victoria, and will have a fur theme, or better said, anti-fur theme!

You can find out a bit more about the event on our page:

RSVP info is there, or if you're on Facebook, simply join our Event page there:

We hope you can join us, and if this is a popular event, we'll come up with more activist 'sporting' events!

Below are some recently released statistic on fur in Canada, thanks to Lesley Fox from the Fur-Bearer Defenders for all this!

2010 Fur Stats
Statistics Canada has recently updated their information for fur stats, 2010.

The number of ranch-raised fur pelts increased from 2,279,810 pelts
in 2009 to 2,601,335 pelts in 2010, up 14.1%.

The value of ranch-raised fur pelts increased 31.0% to $192.5 million
in 2010 compared with 2009

The quantity of wildlife pelts decreased from 737,089 pelts
in 2008-2009 to 730,915 pelts in 2009-2010, down 0.8%.

The value of wildlife pelts decreased 6.6% to $14.8 million
in 2009-2010 compared with 2008-2009.

Read more:
 Detailed overview for lastest Canadian Fur Stats (2009 wild animals/2010 fur farms)
Canadian Fur Trade by the numbers.
Source: Statistics Canada

The total number of animals killed (in the wild and on fur farms) for their fur in Canada (2009/2010): 3,332,250 fur-bearing animals

TRAPPING (Leg-hold, Conibear and snare traps) - AN OVERVIEW

In 2009, number of animals trapped and killed in the wild: 730,915

Newfoundland: 14,687 animals
Price Edward Island: 6,196 animals
Nova Scotia: 24,987 animals
New Brunswick: 38,889 animals
Quebec: 214,326 animals
Ontario: 179,937 animals
Manitoba: 70,057 animals
Saskatchewan: 55,001 animals
Alberta: 71,301 animals
British Columbia: 21,228 animals
Yukon: 2,324 animals
Northwest Territories: 27,489 animals
Nunavut: 4,493 animals

(These numbers include badger, bear, beaver, cougar, coyote, ermine, fisher, fox, lyns, marten, mink, muskrat, otter, rabbit, raccoons, skunk, squirrel, bobcat, wolf, wolverine. Numbers DO NOT include harp seals on Canada's east coast).
Total "dollar value" of trapped animals (wildlife) for 2009: $14,847,952


In 2010, number of minks killed on fur farms: 2,590,950
In 2010, number of foxes killed on fur farms: 10,385
In 2010, total number of minks and foxes killed on fur farms: 2,601,335

Newfoundland: 2,405 foxes and 214,700 minks
Price Edward Island: 880 foxes and 124,800 minks
Nova Scotia: 885 foxes and 1,347,700 minks
New Brunswick: 2,120 foxes and 54,300 minks
Quebec: 3,380 foxes and 70,800 minks
Ontario: 355 foxes and 504,400 minks
Manitoba: individual animals not reported, only 56,400 listed as a total
Saskatchewan: n/a
Alberta: na/
British Columbia: 0 foxes and 215,000 minks
Yukon: n/a
Northwest Territories: n/a
Nunavut: n/a

Total "dollar value" of fur farmed animals (foxes/minks) for 2010: $192,510,789

Dave Shishkoff
Canadian Correspondent
Friends of Animals
Web Site:
FoA Vegan Starter Guide PDF:

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