Monday, April 25, 2011

World Vegan Bake Sale Day - April 30th!

It's nearly here:

It's the second annual World Vegan Bake Sale Day event here in Victoria, and it's this Saturday, April 30th, from noon to 4pm with Sarah Kramer at Tattoo Zoo - make an appointment with your dentist on Monday!!

All the details are here:

Hope to see you there, and get back to us quick if you'd like to contribute some vegan goodies! =)

Dave Shishkoff
Canadian Correspondent
Friends of Animals
Web Site:
FoA Vegan Starter Guide PDF:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

For a Seal Friendly Victoria, Boycott ‘Seed of Life’ Health Food Store ‘Til They Go Seal-Free

UPDATE: The boycott has been ended! As of December, 2013, Seed of Life has stopped selling seal oil capsules! Please tell Peter, the new owner, you appreciate his decision to end the support of this cruel business!

Previous info:

A year ago we began our campaign to eliminate all seal products from retail outlets in Victoria, BC. Our primary focus is on seal oil capsules, which is similar to salmon oil and is touted for Omega 3 and DHA, but these nutrients can be found in plant-based oils made with flax, hemp and algae.

Seed of Life does not have the Friends of Animals Seal of Approval. The Vitamin Shop quickly removed it from their shelves after our supporters stopped in, dropping off letters of protest and speaking with the managers.

But Seed of Life has been much more resistant to those who care about seals and the use of environmentally and ecologically respectful products.

Seal oil is one of very few products that can be sold from the killing of seals on the East Coast. Some Newfoundlanders continue to justify seal killing, despite international protest and boycott, and a huge decline in the interest and investment in seal fur.

We at Friends of Animals encourage all Canadian cities to join in this protest, and become Seal Friendly, showing Ottawa and the rest of the world that very few Canadians support the seal slaughter. Start locally, in Victoria, BC!

Please boycott Seed of Life, and shop elsewhere. Be sure to go in and speak with a manager, or drop off a letter, explaining why you’re boycotting their shop, so that they can appreciate the number of people who are opposed to the disgraceful killing of seals on the East Coast, and that we want Victoria to be a Seal-Friendly city.

Write to:
Seed of Life Natural Foods
1316 Government St
Victoria, BC V8W 1Y8
We request a focus on seal products at this time, but of course encourage the elimination of all animal product sales as well.

If you’re in a different city, please get the ball rolling - find out who’s selling seal oil capsules or seal fur, and go in and speak with the managers, and encourage the same from your friends, families and colleagues. If they continue to sell these things, then begin a boycott.

The seals need your voices; let’s continue to deprive seal killers of a market, here and abroad.

Dave Shishkoff
Canadian Correspondent
Friends of Animals
Web Site:
FoA Vegan Starter Guide PDF: